Gabriela Tango is now Gabriela Tango Dance and Cultural Center, proud to present a new modality related to its overall mission of educating people holistically and connecting human beings with their deepest selves: Philosophical Consulting!
If you were wondering what Philosophy has to do with Tango, read on. And if you wanted to be reminded of Gabriela's two-fold passion and career (philosophy and tango), make sure to go to the second page of our website (under "Gabriela Carone").
You may have wondered how the tango brings up so many issues related to relationships, for example - but perhaps you were unaware that there is a philosophically trained group of people in the world whose expertise is precisely to help others navigate through vital predicaments such as career change, existential crisis, relationship issues or break-up, and more. So...
Want a professionally trained philosopher of international repute to help you work through your moral dilemmas, figure out your emotions, change irrational ways of feeling and thinking, and in general help you with daily problems of living? Want not only to understand how to get rid of troublesome feelings or behaviors, but also find an uplifting philosophy congenial with your world-view that may help you emerge towards a more self-actualized and a happier form of living? Philosophers are the most ancient version of what is nowadays called a "Life Coach". Or, as old Epicurus said: "Vain are the words of the philosopher who can offer no therapy for human suffering"!
In addition to her philosophical qualifications, Gabriela Carone (Ph.D. in Philosophy, King's College, 1995) is a Certified Philosophical Consultant by the National Philosophical Counseling Association (an offshoot of the American Philosophical Association) and its Institute of Critical Thinking through its program for Logic-Based Therapy.
Logic-Based Therapy is a modality of Philosophical Counseling that is closely aligned with what is known as Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (or in general, "cognitive-based therapy") as developed by psychologist Albert Ellis. Of Ellis, the New York Times said that no psychologist has been found to be more influential in the practice of current psychotherapy, not even Freud. However, Albert Ellis himself confessed in his writings that he drew inspiration from the ancient philosophers. Especially influential was the Stoic thought that we can change the way we feel if we change the way we think about our circumstances. He was also inspired by the Socratic method of question-and-answer to elicit (and contest) a person's hidden assumptions and possible self-contradictions, so as to attain a more harmonious state of mind.
Ancient Philosophy is precisely Dr. Gabriela Carone's field of expertise (see especially her books Plato's Cosmology and Its Ethical Dimensions, published with Cambridge University Press, and The notion of god in Plato's Timaeus, second edition in Spanish with a German publisher (to the right and below), as well as dozens of articles in international outlets), so she is pleased to bring this philosophical background, conjoined with her intensive logic-based training, to bear practical fruits in client consultation. Mentored by Dr. Samuel Zinaich and Dr. Elliot Cohen of the American Philosophical Counseling Association and the Institute for Critical Thinking, and having been the recipient of Philosophy Teaching Awards (by the University of Colorado and the University of Buenos Aires), she will bring her passion to her practice, as well as her life-long commitment to effect positive change in the world. On the other hand, Gabriela is also working on a new book integrating kinesthetics with philosophy.

Plato's Cosmology and Its Ethical Dimensions
with Cambridge University Press

Praise for Gabriela's book in Spanish
So you may book a consultation with Gabriela -take advantage of the possibility of currently doing it online through Skype. Philosophical consulting sessions tend to cost less than half of psychotherapy sessions, although they are distinct and complementary approaches. This means that you may be referred to a mental health practitioner in case of psychological disorders or any issue that does not fall within the scope of a philosopher's training.
Personally, Gabriela believes that integrating tango training with philosophical consulting can work marvels towards eliciting those positive changes that you have always wanted in your life. After all it was Plato himself (Gabriela's specialty) who claimed that one must have a combination of philosophical and bodily training (including dance) to build personal and interpersonal virtues. And so did Nietzsche say "the philosopher must dance!". So you are also welcome to book a "Philo-Tango" combo where you can take benefit from both approaches at once.